
Phcoker have the capability to mass production and supply of Spermine under the condition of cGMP.

Spermine and polyamines

So what are polyamines? And why are they so important in the role of aging? Polyamines are present everywhere in living cells and tissues. They are known as biogenic amines which are compounds with more than two amino groups. Polyamines occur naturally in our bodies and unfortunately, as we age these levels decrease.

Polyamines play a role in:
  • Cell division and differentiation
  • Cell proliferation
  • DNA and protein synthesis
  • Homeostasis (the body’s ability to adjust and maintain a stable state)
  • And gene expression (the code of a gene used to direct protein synthesis)

Looking at all the functions of polyamines, we can see why we should be concerned if aging causes our levels to drop. These essential compounds seem to be very involved in the processes of cell growth and maintaining genetic stability. They, therefore, help slow the process of growing older and improve our lifespan and our health span (our quality of life). The drop in our levels of polyamines is therefore denying us some rich therapeutic benefits.

The main polyamines found in mammalian cells and even plants are spermidine, spermine, and putrescine. Humans and plants have many things in common, one of those things is that we both do all that we can to ensure we live as long as possible. One of the ways we can achieve that is through the intake of polyamines and polyamine synthesis. This process promotes autophagy, which is our body’s process of replacing damaged cells with new, rejuvenated cells. As you can imagine, this process can help us live a longer, happier, healthier life. Spermine is an example of a polyamine that can help promote autophagy.

What is Spermine?

Spermine is a naturally occuring polyamine that occurs in all eukaryotes, but is rare in prokaryotes. It is essential for cell growth in both normal and neoplastic tissue. Spermine is formed through the addition of a aminopropyl group to spermidine by spermine synthase. Spermine is strongly basic in character, and in aqueous solution at physiological pH, all of its amino groups will be found as a polycation.

Spermine may be used in a wide variety of biological applications as a supplement or regulatory agent. Used as co-matrix with DHB for MALDI-MS of sialylated glycans in negative ion mode.

What is spermine tetrahydrochloride powder?

Spermine tetrahydrochloride is a polyamine which produces a variety of modulatory effects on the NMDA receptor channel, acting through a specific site on the complex which can cause both agonist and antagonist effects. Spermine tetrahydrochloride powder is the tetrahydrochloride form of Spermine. Spermine tetrahydrochloride powder is white powder form while Spermine free base is in liquid form. Spermine tetrahydrochloride powder benefits are same with Spermine benefits.

Spermine Mechanism of action: How does it work?

Spermine is derived from spermidine by spermine synthase. Spermine is a polyamine, a small organic cations that is absolutely required for eukaryotic cell growth. Spermine, is normally found in millimolar concentrations in the nucleus. Spermine functions directly as a free radical scavenger, and forms a variety of adducts that prevent oxidative damage to DNA. Oxidative damage to DNA by reactive oxygen species is a continual problem that cells must guard against to survive. Hence, spermine is a major natural intracellular compound capable of protecting DNA from free radical attack. Spermine is also implicated in the regulation of gene expression, the stabilization of chromatin, and the prevention of endonuclease-mediated DNA fragmentation.

Spermine benefits - What is spermine used for?

Spermine is an endogenous polyamine bearing multiple amino groups. It has been found to play important roles in cellular metabolism in all eukaryotic cells. Spermine, a naturally occurring polyamine, has recently emerged as exhibiting anti-aging properties. Spermine supplements made by Spermine tetrahydrochloride powder increases lifespan and resistance to stress, and decreases the occurrence of age-related pathology and loss of locomotor ability.

Spermine ameliorate memory retention loss.
After the treatment of Spermine, the ability of memory retention was greatly improved in SAMP8 mice. Spermine tetrahydrochloride powder significantly improved the time duration of exploring the novel object.

Spermine alleviates oxidative stress in the brain of mice.
We evaluated the effect of polyamine and rapamycin on oxidative stress. Spermine decreased the levels of MDA in the brain of SAMP8 mice. The activity of SOD was particularly increased in the group of spermine. These results indicated that Spermine tetrahydrochloride powder greatly ameliorate oxidative stress in SAMP8.

Spermine increase synaptic plasticity and neurotrophic factors
The expression of neurotrophic factors and synaptic proteins were detected in spermine group. Nerve growth factor (NGF), brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), postsynaptic density and postsynaptic density was obviously improved in the group of spermine.

Spermine redress mitochondrial dysfunction
As result shown, the expression of proteins related to mitochondrion were greatly improved in spermine group. Spermine obviously induced the phosphorylation of DRP 1. The concentration of ATP was lower in SAMP8 mice group than in spermine group.

Spermine induce autophagy
After the treatment of Spermine tetrahydrochloride powder, the level of phosphorylation of AMPK was elevated. The level of proteins related to autophagy including was significantly increased in spermine group.

Spermine ameliorate apoptosis

Spermine attenuate inflammation
As result shown, After the treatment of spermine, the expression of inflammatory proteins were decreased sharply. spermine supplements make by Spermine tetrahydrochloride powder could depress inflammation in the brain.

Spermine and Spermidine

The content of spermidine and spermine in mammalian cells has important roles in protein and nucleic acid synthesis and structure, protection from oxidative damage, activity of ion channels, cell proliferation, differentiation, and apoptosis.

Spermine is another type of polyamine. Both compounds are related to each other. Spermine is derived from Spermidine and is crucial for cell metabolism in human beings and plants. Taking spermidine supplements ensures that you get spermine benefits too.

Spermine tetrahydrochloride powder application

Spermine tetrahydrochloride powder was used to precipitate DNA for flow cytometric analysis from fresh frozen breast cancer tissue, archival tissue of salivary gland, renal and thyroid tumors2 and red blood cells of chicken. Now Spermine tetrahydrochloride powder has used in anti-aging supplements. Buy Spermine tetrahydrochloride powder online.

Where to buy Spermine bulk?

In the modern world, you can buy Spermine supplements make by Spermine tetrahydrochloride powder at the comfort of your home online. However, you will have to check widely for high quality Spermine tetrahydrochloride powder suppliers. Customer reviews are one way to guarantee the Spermine tetrahydrochloride powder benefits and also gather information on possible spermine side effects.

There are many spermine tetrahydrochloride powder for sale in the market. Phcoker as a manufacturing factory offers wholesale quantity spermine tetrahydrochloride powder. The best spermine supplement powder is with high purity and bioavailability. Spermine tetrahydrochloride powder wholesale buy will get good price.


Is Spermine Anti aging?
A paper published in 1992 hypothesized that spermine and spermidine protect DNA against free-radical oxidative damage. Our Spermine levels drop as we age, which is not good news to us as we may lose those anti-aging and health benefits. In one experiment, transgenic mice that could not produce spermine and spermidine lost their hair, gained wrinkly skin, and died younger than normal mice, but nothing appeared pathologically awry in any of the organs.

Is spermine an antioxidant?
According to some researchs, spermine administration can increase the antioxidant capacity in the liver and spleen and can enhance the antioxidant status in the spleen and liver under oxidative stress. Spermine has been identified as a potent antioxidant and an anti-inflammatory agent. The compound is present in all organisms and all organs.

What does spermine do in sperm?
Since precise timing of capacitation and the acrosome reaction are critical for successful fertilization, it is suggested that the role of seminal spermine is to prevent premature capacitation and the acrosome reaction.

Where is spermine found?
Spermine is a polyamine, a small organic cations that is absolutely required for eukaryotic cell growth. Spermine, is normally found in millimolar concentrations in the nucleus. Spermine functions directly as a free radical scavenger, and forms a variety of adducts that prevent oxidative damage to DNA.

Is spermine a protein?
Although spermidine has an essential and unique role as the precursor of hypusine a post-translational modification of the elongation factor eIF5A, which is necessary for this protein to function in protein synthesis, no unique role for spermine has been identified unequivocally.

How do you store spermine solution?
Store at 2-8 °C. Solutions of spermine free base are readily oxidized. Solutions are most stable if prepared in degassed water and stored in frozen aliquots, under argon or nitrogen gas. spermine tetrahydrochloride powder is more stable form of spermine free base.

Where does spermine come from?
Spermine is present in many organisms including animals, plants, some fungi, some archaea, and some bacteria. It is synthesized by spermine synthase, a highly specific aminopropyltransferase. Spermine is derived from spermidine by spermine synthase.

What is the pH of spermine?
To confirm that spermine was biologically active at pH 7.4 we tested its effects on heterologously expressed glutamate receptors (GluR3)

Is sperm good for skin?
In fact, there isn't any scientific evidence to back up the idea of putting semen on your skin. Aside from doing little to help your complexion, it can also result in allergic reactions and sexually transmitted infections (STIs).

1.One of the claims of the benefits of sperm for facial skin is the treatment of acne. The benefits of sperm for beauty are believed to come from the substance spermine. Spermine is a derivative of the substance spermidine in male semen, which is believed to act as an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agent. In addition to male sperm, spermine can also be found in the cells of the human body. Spermine is believed to treat acne and fight acne scars.

Unfortunately, there are no scientific research results that can prove the benefits of sperm for acne-prone skin.

2.Claims The benefits of sperm for beauty are to prevent the appearance of signs of premature aging, such as wrinkles or fine lines.Once again, the claim of the benefits of sperm for the face of women arises because sperm contain spermine. Spermine is believed to be an antioxidant capable of disguising the signs of aging, such as wrinkles and fine lines, making the skin look younger. A study published in the journal Nature Cell Biology says that spermine is able to slow down the aging process when used by injecting it directly into human skin cells.

However, the benefits of sperm for the face, which is used by applying it directly to the skin surface, are still not proven. That is, the benefits of sperm for the face of women in the prevention of premature aging are just a myth.


  1. Ting-Ting Xu , Han Li, Zhao Dai, George K. Lau, Ben-Yue Li, Wen-Li Zhu, Xiao-Qi Liu, Hao-Fei Liu, Wei-Wu Cai, Shui-Qing Huang, Qi Wang, Shi-Jie Zhang. “Spermidine and spermine delay brain aging by inducing autophagy in SAMP8 mice” Published: April 8, 2020. https://doi.org/10.18632/aging.103035.
  2. Galluzzi et al (2017) Pharmacological modulation of autophagy: therapeutic potential and persisting obstacles. Nat.Rev.Drug.Discov. PMID: 28529316.
  3. Hasan MM, Skalicky M, Jahan MS, Hossain MN, Anwar Z, Nie ZF, Alabdallah NM, Brestic M, Hejnak V, Fang XW. “Spermine: Its Emerging Role in Regulating Drought Stress Responses in Plants.” Cells. 2021 Jan 28;10(2):261. doi: 10.3390/cells10020261. PMID: 33525668.
  4. Grancara S, Martinis P, Manente S, García-Argáez AN, Tempera G, Bragadin M, Dalla Via L, Agostinelli E, Toninello A. “Bidirectional fluxes of spermine across the mitochondrial membrane.” Amino Acids. 2014 Mar;46(3):671-9. doi: 10.1007/s00726-013-1591-0. Epub 2013 Sep 17. PMID: 24043461.
  5. Tse RT, Wong CY, Chiu PK, Ng CF. “The Potential Role of Spermine and Its Acetylated Derivative in Human Malignancies. Int J Mol Sci. 2022 Jan 23;23(3):1258. doi: 10.3390/ijms23031258. PMID: 35163181.
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